DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science

Sports, Exercise, and Health Science can be studied as a Standard Level or Higher Level Subject.

The course incorporates the traditional disciplines of anatomy and physiology, biomechanics, psychology, and nutrition, which are studied in the context of sports, exercise, and health. Students will cover a range of core and option topics, and carry out practical (experimental) investigations in both laboratory and field settings. This will provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply scientific principles and critically analyze human performance. Where relevant, the course will address issues of international dimension and ethics by considering sports, exercise, and health relative to the individual and in a global context.

Standard Level:

Within the SL course there are 6 compulsory core topics: 

  • Topic 1: Anatomy, in particular the skeletal and muscular systems
  • Topic 2: Exercise physiology, in particular the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
  • Topic 3: Energy systems, focusing largely on elements of nutrition
  • Topic 4: Movement analysis, including biomechanics and neuromuscular function 
  • Topic 5: Skill in sport, focusing on the process of learning and developing skill and its classification
  • Topic 6: Measurement and evaluation of human performance, studying principles of programme design and components of fitness

In addition to these, students will study two further ‘optional’ topics from the list below:

  • Option A: Optimizing physiological performance.
  • Option B: Psychology of sports.
  • Option C: Physical activity and health.
  • Option D: Nutrition for sports, exercise and health.

Internal Assessment
Individual investigations. (20%)
External Examinations
Paper 1: 30 multiple-choice questions. (0.75 hours, 20%)
Paper 2: One data-based question and several short answer questions and one extended response. (1.25 hours, 35%)
Paper 3: Several short answer questions in each of the two options studied. (1 hour, 25%)

Higher Level:

The HL course covers all of the SL content plus an additional seven topics:

  • Topic 7: Further anatomy
  • Topic 8: The endocrine system
  • Topic 9: Fatigue
  • Topic 10: Friction and drag
  • Topic 11: Skill acquisition and analysis
  • Topic 12: Genetics and athletics performance.
  • Topic 13: Exercise and immunity

Students will also study two optional topics from: optimizing physiological performance; psychology of sport; physical activity and health; nutrition for sport, exercise, and health.

Internal Assessment
Individual investigations. (20%)
External Examinations
Paper 1: 40 multiple-choice questions. (1 hour, 20%)
Paper 2: One data-based question and several short answer questions and two extended responses. (2.25 hours, 35%)
Paper 3: Several short answers and extended-response questions in each of the two options studied. (1.25 hour, 25%)

Sports, Exercise and Health Science Guide

IBDP SEHS Curriculum Map




TOPIC 2.1 Structure and function of the ventilatory system

TOPIC 2.2 Structure and function of the cardiovascular system

TOPIC 3.1 Nutrition

TOPIC 3.2 Carbohydrate and fat metabolism

TOPIC 3.3 Nutrition and energy systems

TOPIC 4.1 Neuromuscular function

TOPIC 4.2 Joint and movement type

TOPIC 4.3 Fundamentals of biomechanics

TOPIC 5.1 The Characteristics and Classification of Skills

TOPIC 5.2 Information Processing

TOPIC 5.3 Principles of Skill Learning

TOPIC 6.1 Statistical Analysis

TOPIC 6.2 Study Design

TOPIC 6.3 Components of Fitness

TOPIC 6.4 Principles of Training Programme Design