Reflections on Assessment Perspectives

Reflecting on My Perspectives Before the Course Before taking the course ‘Assessment in Science Education,’ my perspective on assessment was primarily traditional. I viewed it as a means to evaluate student learning at the end of a module or course, primarily through tests and quizzes. I believed that assessments were largely about measuring knowledge retention…

Instructional Design and Assessment in Science Teaching

Key Takeaways The exploration of assessment and instructional design in Module 6 has been profoundly enlightening. The connection between clear, measurable learning objectives and robust assessment strategies, as highlighted by Davies and Short (2019), has reshaped my understanding of the foundational aspects of educational assessment. Sewagegn (2020) emphasized the critical role of aligning assessments with…

Student Feedback and Teaching Assessment

The significance of student feedback in appraising and refining teaching methods was a pivotal focus of this module. It highlighted that students, as the primary beneficiaries of educational endeavors, possess critical perspectives on the efficacy of teaching approaches, materials, and class activities (University of Western Ontario, n.d.). Techniques such as One-Minute Papers, Muddiest Point exercises,…

Assessing Laboratory Skills and Performance

In introspection, I find myself deeply contemplating the evolving role of laboratory work in science education. The diverse materials, ranging from foundational principles to practical guidelines for laboratory assessments and report writing, have significantly broadened my understanding and appreciation of the laboratory’s integral role in fostering scientific inquiry and understanding. Key Takeaways from the Module…


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